Here is a guide on how you could change job to Sura (Champion's 3rd job):
1. Go to veins town then enter the pub (veins 149, 218)
2. Talk to NPC Sludge Worm(ve_in 241, 128) or the Waitress to initiate sura job quest
3. Look for the Strange Guy behind the pub @ (veins 128, 237) once inside go down the stairs @ (ve_in 97, 146) there will be a pop-up dialog box
4. Talk to the Strange Guy (ve_in 98, 159). Accept his quest. Then kill 100 Desert Wolves.
5. Once you're done killing wolves go back to Strange Guy. He will then ask you to look for Buddy.
6. At yuno_fild07 just below juno. Talk to Buddy and he will warp you to a special place.
7. Enter the Pub to begin the test. You must maintain in the room within 5 minutes. Buddy will resurface and talk to him to transfer you to his master.
8. Talk to master to change you to sura. Done. You are now a SURA. Congratulations!
For a more detailed instruction, go here.